Just A Quick Note

I’m Back!! YAY

This is just a quick note to say I’m back, I’m back to me, I’m back to life, I’m back to sarcasm & silliness

Thank goodness it did not take me long to get back to my old self new self, I am up at my usual 3am. I have so many things I want to do and I am glad that it did not take as long as I thought it may to be here and feeling this way again. However, even during that shirt time I did miss out on getting and doing some of the things I wanted to do. This means I now have to play a bit of catch up.
During the last week I was nominated for an award from the Cairns Business Womans Club and the information night is on Thursday! I am so nervous and excited. So the next few days will mainly be focused on this but I still have:
New school homework routine to set up for Naite (that I was supposed to do last week)
Plans for Paintbox Kids & Wilderness Babies to make…
A sick bubba to look after, crafts to make, planning and study to do, meetings to set up, gifts to send (I haven’t forgotten Cindy just lack money), photos and meal planning to organise, and probably more…
But right now sleep to have before it all starts in the morning.

Lots of Soul Warming, Messy, Art Creating Love, Breanna ox
Posted With ♡ from Mummy’s Super Galactic Helper!

How To Have A Massage WITH Kids

This is part two in the series of “How To Have A Day Spa WITH Kids
This week is how to have that massage!
I know that running around after our kids or carrying our kids, carrying loads of shopping and general days stress can leave us feeling all over generally aching and searching for a good massage to sooth our days stresses away!
So as its generally caused by the kids why not put them to work 😉 Continue reading

How to Have a Day Spa WITH Kids!

I started my day with a soothing sleep in, I woke softly, lazed in bed and read my book. My children and partner came in with a lovely breakfast in bed and flowers, I savored the moment and ate my breakfast while they told me the day they had planned for me. I rose and got dressed and then my treat…

What mum for valentine’s day, or anyday, wouldn’t LOVE to be pampered at a day spa!

The sounds of soft music playing while you sit sipping and taking in the aroma of your drink and the atmosphere in peace, massages to calm your over worked body, treatments to bring back your youthful feeling, facials that sooth those tired eyes and wrinkles your kids are giving you, and of course the SPA to ease those shaking nerves!
The relaxed, slow pace, the time away, the nourishing, soul soothing, peace…

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All About Bre – Mummy Madness

All About Breanna – Mummy Madness

I love painting, drawing photography, building and anything and everything to do with art, gardening, cooking all of which I enjoy but am not really that good at. Joining in with the kids having fun being silly, making mess (even though I like things tidy I don’t mind them making mess I know they are having fun and learning.. that’s the most important thing), playing and generally having fun and involving them in what I do and adventures. Being outside, active and swimming I genuinely can’t sit still. Organising, planning and routine. New experiences exploring and adventures.

I have known for a long time I show signs of Autism I don’t cope well with change, or things that break my few routines I have without considerable warning. I have worked hard with this and can now be more spontaneous. YAY ME! I analyse every situation and possible outcomes. I think everything through and analyse before I speak. These traits though do help in the house most of the time (if they don’t hinder us) as I instinctively know what the kids need reminding with to keep them in a general routine as well as assessing every possible reaction that could happen and how it will affect the kids and other possible ways to go about it to minimise anyones possible ‘melt down modes’ Sometimes all this thinking does get all to much for me but AJ is there for me to talk to and de-stress.
We really help to balance each other out and support each other with what hurdles come our way we always know we can do it together, it will work out and we will be there for each other with whatever we need! (and of course WITH COFFEE)

All About Naite

He loves DINOSAURS!!, reading information books, animals and documentaries, talking and talking and talking, science and experiments, riding his bike, exploring, playing rugby, drawing (including on himself LOL), face painting (mainly scars, tattoos and cuts), photograph and making movies/documentaries, being outside getting dirty, sandy and swimming.Naite

He loves playing with Amelia & Leila (most of the time) and just adores them!
He has high functioning Aspergers and we have worked with him and others for the last year to get him to the stage he is at now he has made a lot of progress and ‘melt down modes’ are down to a minimum!! YAY We have also made great progress with food and this seems to have helped his mood, energy and fitness. We have a mostly stable routine but don’t get me wrong we still have many challenges and new things come up to work through. Every day is different and has the possibility for a new challenge but it keeps our life interesting (and of course sometimes stressful)
Naite spends Wednesday’s after school and and alternating Friday and Saturday Nights at his bio-mothers house. This can also be a challenge sometimes especially if for one reason or another he can’t go one week and it breaks his routine but mostly communication is good and generally we are all on the same page. He has chosen to stop visits and contact till she is in a better frame of mind he had enough of being let down and we are respecting his decision.

Our LOUD, bright, talkative, energetic, informative and non-stop 8 year old who keeps our life interesting part of Our Montage Madness Family!

All About AJ – Daddy Damaged

All about AJ – Daddy Damaged
Well the biggest thing is AJ Loves Music!! almost anything and everything to do with music, everything about the kids and spending time with them, playing with them, caring for them, technology, being outside and ‘taking adventures’, creating/building, information and knowledge.
We have in depth conversations regularly and have the same or similar views and ideas on our life and what we want for our Montage Madness Family!
Through Naite’s Aspergers AJ has discovered he has trait’s and similar way of processing information as Aspergers. We have worked together to help understand why he does some of the things he does and gain some understanding so he can now stop and think it through to help manage break downs and over reactions. Sometimes messages and reactions still get mixed up but thankfully we are open with each other so AJ can discuss how he took it to me and we can work out why it was taken that way and how the situation was supposed to come across.

We have a fantastic relationship and can openly be ourselves with each other without judgment just silent understanding of each others personality and who we are!

All About Leila

She loves food, any kind of mess, photography, being outdoors especially sand, water and swimming, animals, riding her bike, singing, music and dancing, painting and drawing, tormenting her brother, playing dinosaurs with him and taking her toys ‘on a venture’ Leila
She looks up to Naite and constantly has to do what he is doing if she is not bossing him around that is!
Leila is so far a neuro-typical 4 year old both her brothers are on the spectrum she loves them to bits and does copy them a lot so does pick up on ‘ticks’ this is why for now we feel she is not on the spectrum just coping ‘ticks’ and ‘melt downs’ it definitely makes Our Montage Madness Family interesting!
She see’s her other brother and bio-father on Saturdays for a few hours at the park so far we have not been able to work with him to progress any further. Every second Saturday she stays at his house YAY finally we were able to make some progress.. however this too comes with some extra challenges! But we are up for the challenge (most days) and definitely there to support Leila in her choices to make her comfortable and be herself!

I’ve experienced it, I’m living it, I’m changing it!

Right I’ve had enough! Trying to get your business going from nothing is almost unattainable!


I want MORE time for this!

Are you in the same boat as me?
You don’t want to pay the high prices to have others do the setup for you online, you want to learn for yourself but are so overwhelmed with where to start first, understanding all the Mumbo-Jumbo, wasting money or time on what you DON’T end up needing because you were confused with all the options..
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