Having One Of THOSE Days

I am having one of THOSE days.. you know the ones where you are flat, scattered and don’t know what your doing at any moment of the day or supposed to be doing or what you wanted to achieve today (even though its written down in the same place it always is everyday)
To top it off, the kids are into everything they know they are not supposed to be, fighting over who’s making breakfast first, while the bubba just shoves her weight around in the kitchen just because she wants to pinch everyone else’s breakfast.
You realise you need coffee and between the hectic mess and chaos in the kitchen, you manage to make one only to realise the milk has been spilt all over the shelves in the fridge.

You have a mouthful of coffee, gain some extra clarity and then, your son wants TWO sandwiches for lunch not ONE he informs you (even though your hard pressed getting him to eat one most days) and he wants to make them, but that’s OK because you just realised 30 min before you have to leave his school shirt is still wet in the washing machine and you need to dry it. Then you change your mind on it being an OK idea for him to make his own lunch today because the other two fight over space in the kitchen and he leaves it in a bigger mess, than the trashed state it was in, that you are going to have to clean up later.
You jump in the car to take your son to school still in you PJ’s because you just couldn’t comprehend getting dresses today, only to discover halfway down the road the car is low on fuel and you left the bank card sitting at home on the bench! You manage to make it home with some resemblance of sanity, that can only be maintained by coffee and the two littlest ones don’t want to give you a chance to make it because they NEED ‘this’ or ‘that’
Every time you even get an idea or remember what it is you wanted to be doing today (or were doing 2 seconds ago) or think you have enough brain power and the kids are quiet enough, to make that call that you really should make, the thought process is interrupted by a child who decides to paint (and by paint I mean everything they are not supposed to) or drown themselves under the hose when it’s a cold day or just pull out EVERYTHING they are not allowed to have and trash the house you just finally got a chance in the last month to vacuum!! (Quiet kids are ALWAYS a worry! Clearly I wasn’t functioning enough as I forgot this)

"I'm totally NOT getting up to no good mum"

“I’m totally NOT getting up to no good mum”

Finally after getting into the paint her sister had and needing a shower, the bubby is too tired to do anything else but cry and you realise, you only have one nappy left in the house! You give the bubby a shower while you hope that she sleeps afterwards and doesn’t decide to poo till later in the day when you have had a chance to get more nappies.
All while the other one is letting you know that she made you a crown so now she needs icecream because in your dazed state you apparently said it was OK for her to have icecream after making you a crown! Bah!
Yes that’s my day (and most days) so far..
So what do YOU decide to do??
What first comes to mind and what I sometimes do, is either:
~ Give up on everything for the day and go to bed then start again,
~ Give up on what you had planned and run with it,
~ Try and push through and be stuck fuzzy for the day not achieving anything and being a grump because nothing seemed to work, take it out on the kids and everyone else around you (NOT a good option! And as I said I have done this before and your not a bad parent if you do, your just having a day and we all have those. We learn from our mistakes, just make sure you say sorry)

When it comes to what helps me me though having one of THOSE Days, it’s either:
~ just zone out and spend the day cleaning and pottering
~ connect with a friend
~ forget everything and enjoy playing with my kids, their smiles will light up the day
~ pick up the stinky bubba and give her a snuggle (even stinky snuggles make you feel better) make the kids laugh
~ put on some music and dance/hoop it out a good one for me at the moment is *Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
~ do something crafty like paint or garden
Or what I did today:
Decide to write it out and get it out! I forgot the other stuff, put AB kids as Leila calls it on the T.V. (even though it wasn’t screen time yet) and just looked at what I have managed to accomplish rather then not (such as get Naite to schools on time, not let my mood effect the kids happy moods and not have a spazz attack at the kids over, at the end of the day, small insignificant stuff), appreciated the little moments, changed my mindset on the day and not let the mornings troubles get to me and ruin the rest of my day! It can be hard to start with especially to even think about when you are stuck in that ‘mood’
I was then able to do some of the other things that help me get through those days..
I forgot about the things I was going to do today, I snuggled my stinky baby, I connected with a friend, had a shower, made my daughter smile and pottered around.
My mood improved and I was able to get an idea for a new post series that has the possibility of turning into an ebook based on this post because I know we all have those days.

So apparently, on my fuzzy days, I have brainwaves and have awesome ideas! LMAO
If you have had one of THOSE days and you would like shared in the up coming series leave a comment and let me know. I’d love to have your story told too!

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This post is part of the Complete Guide for SAHM’s find out more here

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